



     I. Preliminary clauses

Through this Privacy Policy, Revitonica S.L. informs its Users about its Policy regarding the treatment and protection of the personal data of Users (Customers) that may be collected during browsing, purchase of products, registration on the Website or filling in forms of the Website www.revitonica.com.

This Privacy Policy has been prepared in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

     II. About Revitonica

Revitonica is a brand that has thousands of satisfied customers and is vocationally committed to being a model service that contributes to the creation of a fairer and more beautiful world. For this reason, in our pyramid of values, words as significant as transparency or honesty stand out at the top, since we consider that they are necessary to build solid and lasting relationships with our clients, always based on mutual trust. Part of this commitment implies respecting and safeguarding your privacy and your decisions, it is essential for us.

     III. Web browsing

It is made clear that every time you browse the web, it will be necessary to be able to access any type of information that by its characteristics allows us to identify you, such as name and surname, e-mail, billing or shipping addresses, phone number, photo, etc., either to hire our products, make use of our services or features, or fill out question forms or register on the Web. All this will be regulated by this Privacy Policy, together with the Legal Notice, Cookies Policy, and Terms and Conditions, as well as other documents referenced therein, in force always, and the User must review these texts each time he/she uses the service to verify that he/she agrees with them.

With regard to telematic sales, the provision of certain personal information is mandatory, as it is necessary information both for billing and processing and delivering orders (access to classes through the online platform). Such personal information will be strictly confidential, and not providing such information would imply not being able to materialize the purchase-sale of the order.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the Web forms must be completed, so that the omission of any of them could make it impossible to provide the services or information requested.

     IV. Consent

The legitimacy for the treatment of your data is the express consent granted by means of a positive and affirmative act (filling in the corresponding form and ticking the acceptance box of this document) at the time of providing us with your personal data.

In this way, by filling in the forms, ticking the "I accept the Privacy Policy" box and clicking to send the data, or by sending emails to Revitonica through the accounts enabled for this purpose, the User declares to have read and accepted expressly this Privacy Policy, and grants its unequivocal and express consent to the processing of his/her personal data in accordance with the indicated purposes.

Likewise, and by the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, completing the data collection form and ticking the corresponding box "I want to receive subscription to the newsletter and I accept the sending of electronic communications", the User is giving express consent to send information about the contracted product, commercial offers, news of Revitonica and other related information to his/her email address, telephone, electronic messaging or through other electronic means.

     V. Responsible party for the treatment

Responsible party: REVITONICA S.L.

NIF: B44638476

Contact information:

Telephone: +34 650 251 000

E-mail: orders.revitonica@gmail.com

Address for notification purposes: CALLE DE FINLANDIA, 1 ESC.2, BENALMADENA (MALAGA), 29630

     VI. Our commitment to privacy

1º We respect your privacy and your choices in this regard.

2º Privacy and security are incorporated into all our decisions, policies and actions, and we do everything possible to ensure it.

3º Your data will not be offered or sold by us.

4º Regarding marketing communications, you will not receive any unless you have requested it, being able to change your mind at any time.

5º Our commitment includes keeping your data safe and secure, which implies working only with proven trusted partners.

6º We will always be open and transparent with you about the processing of your data.

7º Your data will always be used in an open way that can be known by you.

8º Your rights are respected, and we always try to accommodate your requests in accordance with our own legal and operational responsibilities.

     VII. Purpose of personal data processing

Purchase of the product and corresponding subscription by registering on the website

  • Registration on the website for the correct provision of services

Sending commercial and promotional communications

  • Sending marketing communications.
  • Promotion of our products.
  • Offering personalized services based on your characteristics.

Management of the contractual relationship with the User

  • Management of your orders.
  • Shipments of orders to the provided address.
  • Respond to your questions about orders and interactions with you.
  • Process and track the product.
  • Manage the payment of the product/service.
  • Measure your satisfaction.
  • Process any dispute related to any product.
  • Post your comments, criticisms or content.

Creation of user profiles

  • Improvement of our website/applications.
  • Enrich your profile by using account information when making a purchase or offering a service.
  • Analyze your characteristics and recommend suitable products and appropriate courses.
  • Consumer service developed through the response to questions that come to us through our website or applications.

Statistical purposes

  • Know the reaction of users to our campaigns.
  • Know opinions about the product.
  • Improve our offers and promotions.
  • Find out how he or she got to know Revitonica.

     VIII. Legitimation for the processing of personal data

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data may be:

  • Your consent, which you will give in a positive act by filling in the registration form and ticking the acceptance box.
  • Our legitimate interest, based on various purposes such as the preparation of statistics, a better functioning of the website, user-consumer profiling or offering our consumer service, but always for the benefit of the interested party.
  • The execution of a contract: data necessary to deliver the product, provide the requested service, or comply with legal requirements (billing).
  • Compliance with legal obligations, such as the maintenance of suppression lists, that is, of those users who wish their data not to be processed.

     IX. Security measures and confidentiality of personal data

To protect your personal data, REVITONICA, S.L. takes all reasonable precautions and follows the best practices in the industry to prevent its loss, misuse, improper access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Your data may be incorporated into a mailing list file, of which REVITONICA, S.L. is responsible for its management and treatment. The security of your data is guaranteed, since REVITONICA, S.L. takes all the necessary security measures and guarantees that personal data will only be used for the given purposes.

REVITONICA, S.L.  informs the User that his/her personal data will not be transferred to third-party organizations, except that said transfer of data is covered by a legal obligation or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a person in charge of treatment.

     X. Period of conservation of personal data

We only keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the specific purpose for which we process such data, to meet your needs or to comply with our legal obligations.

To determine the data retention period, the following criteria are used:

  • Personal data obtained when purchasing products or services: while the contractual relationship is maintained.
  • Personal data obtained by participating in a promotional offer: during the validity of said promotional offer.
  • Personal data obtained when contacting Revitonica for a consultation: during the time necessary to attend to the consultation.
  • Personal data obtained by giving your consent to receive commercial communications: until you cancel the subscription, demand that we delete it or after a certain period of inactivity.

Personal data may be saved to comply with legal or regulatory obligations on the part of the company, as well as to exercise rights (claims before courts) or for statistical or historical purposes.

Once your personal data is no longer needed, it will be automatically deleted from our systems entirely, or anonymized so that we can no longer identify you.

     XI. Recipients of personal data

Mindbox: CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Various user activities (purchase, viewing the course, etc.) and the data indicated in the previous section are transferred there. On their website https://mindbox.cloud/ they define themselves as a “cloud-based marketing automation platform. We help collect and process customer data online and offline, automate communication, manage communications from a single interface, and increase marketing revenue.”

Timeweb: For our part, all information is stored on Timewebs hosting. The username and password are used to access the information. The registered office of said company is located at the following address: San Petersburgo, st. Zastavskaya, 22, no. 2, lit. A, 8th floor. For more information, please visit their website at https://timeweb.com/ru/

Finally, regarding analytics, we use the following services:

- Google Analytics, a Google company tool that allows us to analyze data from our company such as the users of our website and offers personalized statistics to make marketing decisions according to them. More information at its website https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/provision/#/provision

- Yandex Metrika, a company that provides analysis tools for traffic, public, performance, user behavior on our website through personalized reports and specific segmentation. More detail on their website https://yandex.com/. It has several offices, which can be found here https://yandex.com/company/contacts/moscow/

- Facebook pixel as defined on its own website https://es-es.facebook.com/business/tools/meta-pixel “The Meta pixel is a snippet of code on your website that allows you to better understand the effectiveness of your ads and the actions people take, such as visiting a page or adding an item to the cart. It also lets you know when customers took an action after seeing your ad on Facebook and Instagram, which can help you retarget your ad. Also, keep in mind that using the conversions API together with the pixel allows you to establish a more reliable connection which makes it easier for the delivery system to reduce your cost.”

- VK pixel, extracting the definition given by the company itself on its website (https://vk.com/faq14080): “The VK retargeting pixel is a JavaScript code that must be installed in the source code of your website. Pixel allows you to track all visitors from the website where it is installed. As soon as a person visits the page, the retargeting pixel automatically takes this into account.

With the pixel, you can show ads to VK users who have opened your website or mobile app and performed certain actions there.”

- Rating Mail.ru, web analytics system that collects data about website visitors and their devices. It belongs to the company VK. Website: https://top.mail.ru/

- Floodlight. Google Marketing Platform as defined by Google (https://support.google.com/searchads/answer/7298761?hl=es ): “Floodlight is the conversion tracking system of Google Marketing Platform. Like other conversion tracking systems, it consists of tags that track activity on your website and has functions to record conversion data and add it to reports. Floodlight also uses a cookie to identify repeat visits from a certain browser."

     XII. User rights



Right to information

According to arts. 12, 13 and 14 GDPR, you have the right to obtain clear, transparent and easy-to-understand information about the way we use your personal data and about your rights.

Right of access

In accordance with art. 15 GDPR, subject to certain limits, you have the right to access the personal data we collect from you.

We may charge for this a reasonable amount and in order to cover administrative costs to provide said information.

Manifestly unfounded, repetitive or excessive requests may be ignored.

Right of Rectification

In accordance with art. 16 GDPR, the interested party has the right to request the rectification of his/her personal data when they are inaccurate or no longer valid, or to request their completion when they are not complete.

Right of erasure or right to be forgotten

In accordance with art. 17 GDPR, the interested party in some cases has the right to have his/her personal data erased or deleted. It is not an absolute right, since the person in charge may have legal or legitimate reasons to keep them.

Right of objection to direct marketing

First, you can unsubscribe from our direct marketing communications at any time, simply by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" option that will appear in any email or communication you receive from us. Alternatively, you can contact us directly by any of the means provided in this document. You may also object to profiling.

Right to withdraw consent

In accordance with art. 7.3 GDPR, you may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data when the processing is based on your consent without affecting the legality of the processing prior to its withdrawal. It will be as easy to withdraw your consent as to give it.

Right of objection to processing based on the satisfaction of legitimate interests

In accordance with art. 21, with reference to art. 6.1.f) GDPR, when the treatment is based on the satisfaction of legitimate interests, you can object at any time to your personal data being processed by us.

Right to data portability

Pursuant to art. 20 of the GDPR you have the right to move, copy or transfer data from our database to a different one. This right is conditional on the data that you have provided, when the treatment is based on the execution of a contract or your consent and the treatment is carried out by automated means.

For more information, we encourage you to contact us.

Right to limit processing

The interested party will have the right to request the limitation of the processing of his/her data. If you exercise this right, the processing of your data will be subject to limitations, which means that we may store them, but not continue to use or process them.

The GDPR limits the circumstances in which this right is exercisable, as follows (art.18):

- The illegality of the treatment and when the interested party opposes the deletion of personal data and instead requests the limitation of their use.

- That the personal data are no longer useful for the responsible party in view of the purpose for which they were collected, but the interested party needs them for the formulation, exercise, or defence of claims.

- That the interested party has objected to the treatment under art. 21.1, while verifying whether the legitimate reasons of the responsible party prevail over those of the interested party.

     XIII. Ways to exercise your rights

To exercise the aforementioned rights, you must contact the responsible party through the contact means provided in the corresponding section. Remember that you must always prove your identity when contacting the responsible for the treatment for the correct exercise of your rights.

     XIV. Disclaimer

Given the technology available today, Revitonica provides all possible means to verify the identity of the interested party, especially when registering through the corresponding form and even more so when contracting any of our services by means of online payment.

     XV. Minors

Revitonica, in restrictive application of art. 8 GDPR, only allows the registration and use of the Website to adults, which in Spain translates to being over eighteen years of age. Therefore, Revitonica will not be responsible for the falsification of these data for any purpose within its website or for any damage caused to them.

     XVI. Privacy Policy Changes

Revitonica reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as industry practices.

These policies will remain in force until they are modified by others and duly published. It is your responsibility to read the corresponding documents periodically to verify that you agree with them, since those that are in force at the time of your use of the website will be applicable.