Anastasia Dubinskaya is a psycho-physiologist, Ph.D. in psychology, and expert in the neuromuscular rehabilitation of the face. Professor at the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Federal State National Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The founder and head of the Revitonica Natural Rejuvenation Academy. Leading practicing expert in anti-aging massage. In 10 years of practice, she helped more than 12 thousand patients. Being an expert in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of face and neck aging, Anastasia knows how to reverse age-related changes at the touch of a fingertip.

    Anastasia's area of expertise includes the effect of facial muscle activity on aging, which is also the subject of her Ph.D. thesis. Anastasia holds 5 patents of invention (innovative therapeutic and diagnostic methods) and 10 copyright certificates. She publishes in Russian and international scholarly journals, speaks at conferences and workshops, and has teaching duties.

    For many years Anastasia has been studying facial muscle tone, activity, and pain sensitivity, as well as their effect on psychological state and quality of life, to translate human emotions into microvolts and millimeters. She has been developing methods of neuromuscular relaxation of facial muscles and introducing them in her practice. The most simple and effective methods are then used in Revitonica exercises.

    A randomized controlled trial in more than 150 female subjects aged 36 to 50 years conducted by Anastasia Dubinskaya and fellow psycho-physiologists in 2016–2020 confirmed the effectiveness of regular Revitonica exercises, both for aesthetic treatment and elimination of chronic stress, depression, and anxiety.


    «Correction of Psychoemotional State Through the Neuromuscular Relaxation of the Face» (thesis supervisor: A.A. Kukshina, Doctor of Sciences, Senior Research Associate at the Department of Rehabilitation, Autonomous Public Healthcare Institution Moscow Center for Research and Rehabilitation).


    Randomized controlled trials with 151 female subjects have been performed at the Moscow Center for Research and Practice Rehabilitation. Anastasia Dubinskaya and her colleagues have demonstrated for the first time that psychoemotional disorders in otherwise healthy women result in the high bioelectrical activity of facial muscles, their functional asymmetry, and increased tenderness on palpation. It has been shown for the first time that the combined use of myofascial massage and self-massage techniques significantly decreases the severity of depression as well as state and trait anxiety parameters.


    1. The psychoemotional state of female patients seeking esthetic treatment is characterized by symptoms of depression of various severity in 46.6% of cases, high levels of state and trait anxiety in 22.0% and 42.0% of cases, respectively, as well as low quality of life regarding the mental and physical health in 29.8% and 16.6% of cases, respectively, with a high bioelectrical activity of facial muscles in 61% of cases.
    2. The study revealed a positive correlation between depression and state and trait anxiety parameters and electromyography parameters of facial muscles (m. corrugator supercilii, m. masseter, m. depressor anguli oris, m. nasalis) in female patients seeking esthetic treatment. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between the mental health domains score as per SF-36 and Self-confidence, Well-being, and Appearance self-assessment parameters and electromyography parameters of facial muscles.
    3. Self-massage of the face and neck by itself ensures a significant reduction in depression as per the Beck Depression Inventory by 34.5% and state anxiety by 15.9%, as well as improvement in the quality of life and self-assessment parameters by 12.2% and 14.8%, respectively, with a significant decrease in the bioelectrical activity of facial muscles by 22% on average. By comparison, myofascial massage by itself provides for a significant reduction in depression as per the Beck Depression Inventory by 45.6% and state anxiety by 16.1%, as well as improvement in the quality of life and self-assessment parameters by 9.2% and 13.0% on average, respectively, with a significant decrease in the bioelectrical activity of facial muscles by 29.3% on average.
    4. Combination neuromuscular relaxation procedures (myofascial massage and self-massage of the face and neck) ensure a significant reduction in subjective depression by 58.7% and state anxiety by 29.5%, as was as an improvement in the quality of life as per SF-36 by 13.1% on average and the mean VAS score by 14.1%, with a significant decrease in the bioelectrical activity of facial muscles by 43.5%. Thus, combination procedures are superior to just self-massage or myofascial massage.
    5. According to the long-term results of combination neuromuscular relaxation procedures, there is a significant improvement in depression, state and trait anxiety, and Self-confidence, Appearance, and Well-being self-assessment parameters, as well as General Health, Social Role Functioning, and Emotional Role Functioning scores as per SF-36, compared to the post-study data.
    Author's abstract

    Research papers

    Myofascial Facial Massage in Correction of Stress, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: a Сase Report

    Authors: Anastasia D. Dubinskaya, Olga V. Yurova, Anatoliy D. Fesyun Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. October 2022, Vol.21 No 5, page 129


    Correction of Psycho-Emotional Status Using Neuromuscular Relaxation of the Face

    Dubinskaya, Anastasia D. PhD*; Yurova, Olga V. PhD*; Fesyun, Anatoliy D. PhD†; Kukshina, Anastasia A. PhD*. The Journal of Nervous and Mental, Vol.210(3), March 2022, C.2-13.


    The correlation between psychological state and the tonic activity of facial muscles in healthy women

    A.D. Dubinskaya, O.V. Yurova, A.V. Kotelnikova, G.A. Tkachenko. Bulletin of Psychotherapy; 2020, No. 73(78): 110–126


    Myofascial facial massage as a possible method of correction of psychoemotional states

    Authors: A.D. Dubinskaya, O.V. Yurova, A.V. Kotelnikova, E.N. Gulaev. Problems of balneology, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. Vol. 97, 2020; 3: 24–30


    Modern views on the relationship between psychoemotional state and the bioelectrical activity of facial muscles

    A review. Authors: A.D. Dubinskaya, O.V. Yurova, A.V. Kotelnikova, E.N. Gulaev. Problems of balneology, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. Vol. 96, 2019; 6: 70–76


    The modern views on relationship between emotional state and bioelectrical activity of facial muscles

    Dubinskaya A.D, Kukshina A.A., Yurova O.V., Kotelnikova A.V., Gulaev E.N. Problems of balneology, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy= Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury 2019, Vol. 96. no 6, с. 61-66


    Patents of invention

      1. «Neuromuscular relaxation technique for facial muscles»

        RU No. 2705237 C1
      2. «Correction of psychoemotional state through facial massage»

        RU No. 2691254 C1
      3. «Method of reducing jaw muscle hypertonia»

        RU No. 2723220 C1
      4. «Beauty massage technique for the head, neck, and chest areas. Prevention of age-related fibrosis of integumentary tissues»

        RU No. 2726073 C1
      5. «Method of reducing myofascial hypertonicity of cervical muscles»

        RU No. 2726075
    • Патенты на изобретения

    Research conferences and workshops

    September 13, 2022

    Anastasia Dubinskaya spoke at the 6th International Congress on the Study of Fascia in Montreal. Topic of the report: Myofascial facial massage as a means to improve the psychological state of patients. Specialists of Revitonics have proven a positive long-term effect of facial massage on the condition of patients with symptoms of depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders

    May 28, 2021
    First International Congress Tatarstan Dentistry 2021

    Anastasia Dubinskaya gave a report «The Correlation Between Psychological State and Neurophysiological Parameters of Jaw Muscles: Findings of a Randomized Controlled Trial»

    May 28, First International Congress Tatarstan Dentistry 2021

    The report focused on the correlation between psychological disorders and bioelectrical activity and clinical function parameters of jaw muscles. The correlation between the tonic activity of jaw muscles and psychological parameters in 151 almost healthy women was established for the first time. Additional diagnostic criteria for the symptoms of significant muscle tension and emotional stress were proposed. The most efficient methods of muscle tone improvement based on the facial feedback mechanisms were presented.

    April 11, 2016
    BEAUTYSPOT annual congress, the Netherlands

    Anastasia Dubinskaya presented the innovative Revitonica neuromuscular relaxation technique to more than 9,000 European experts. The first workshop for experts was held.

    April 11, 2016 BEAUTYSPOT annual congress, the Netherlands
    • Books

      In November 2020, Eksmo publishing house presented «Age OFF. Sweep the age off your face» by Anastasia Dubinskaya, the world's first textbook on natural rejuvenation.

    • Books



    May 2021

    Professor at the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Federal State National Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    May 2021
    Master class: Myoplastic treatment of the cheeks.

    Deep smoothing of the cheeks, improvement of chronic muscle retraction, elimination of edema.

    August 2021

    August 2021

    Anastasia Dubinskaya held a face-to-face master class on the jawline sculpting. Techniques focused on jawline reshaping, reduction of double chin, swelling, and jowls, elimination of skin laxity, and improvement of skin quality at the front of the neck.

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